Heavenly Kings Podcast Episode 9 – Shout Out to All the Pair

Heavenly Kings Podcast Episode 9

In this episode we talk about chapters 317-320 and we kinda talk about our favorite villains and how villains aren’t such a big thing in this series. We go on tangents a lot, we talk about pets and fish and pretty much everything under the sun but its because we’re trying to make sense of things in this arc. At least it’s over right? The bulk of it anyway. I know for a fact that I, myself, am problematique (TM) like 99.99% of everything in the world so even though I edited the episode, I’m still a little nervous about how we talked about the gender swapping. At the end we started talking about Steven Universe a bit, too, so we ended the episode quickly without saying goodbye properly. Foxy and I list off the contacts for the podcast, and I’ll leave them here on the post for you as well.

Email: heavenlykingpodcast@gmail.com

Twitter: twitter.com/heavenlykings

Tumblr: heavenlykingspodcast.tumblr.com/ask

I mentioned reddit, I vaguely remember us having a reddit thread, and if it’s not there anymore I’ll get Colton to make a new one. We can also try starting up a facebook page if that is necessary.

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